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Welcome to the comedy section here you will find an array of comedy that the students have produced from videos to cartoon strips and animation enjoy!


Comedy Of the week!


The Spud Father

By Emily


This guy called Larry was driving some pengins to the zoo. On his way, the van broke down, causing all the penguins in the back to get hot quite quickly. Thinking quickly, Larry got someone to stop on their way and he asked them: "can you help me get these penguins to the zoo?" So the guy took the penguins to the zoo.

The following day, Larry spotted the guy who had helped him the day before. To make sure the man was successful, Larry asked him: "did you get the penguins to the zoo?" The man smiled, and cheerfully said "yeah, they had a blast. Tomorrow, I'm taking them to the cinema."


-Tom Davies 

A man says to his friend:


"I can jump higher than a house"


His friend replies:

"What? You're joking right?"

"No I'm not, I'm serious"

"Ha! No u can't"

"Yes I can. Houses can't jump"

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